Course Selection 2024-25
All course selection will be done via the myBlueprint TDSB website
myBlueprint Grade 8 to 9 Instructions: how to use myBlueprint to select your courses for 2024-2025
Course Selection Sheet: for current Grade 8 students to choose courses for Grade 9. Please note that the new course selection sheet will be available in January 2024.
myBlueprint opens Feb. 6th for students at West Hill.
Please check out our 2024-25 Course Selection website for information about the courses, department information, and enrichment opportunities.
This website includes information on courses available in the TDSB as well as course descriptions that you can use for your planning.
see the Post Secondary page that will let you know options after you graduate. Now is a good time to know pre-requisites that you will need for College or University programs.
Out-of-Area Admission Process 2024-25
West Hill CI is classified as limited for 2024-25. Interested students who live out of the catchment area can apply to the board via the Out-of-Area admission process.
Need Help?
If you have any questions or concerns please see your Guidance Counsellor!
Specific Course Descriptions
TDSB Course Information - this gives a description of the course (just type in the 6 digit course code) and will let you know any prerequisites (course you have to have earned before you can take the course).