Student Transportation
West Hill no longer has busing. Students who live 4.8km from the school will be eligible for TTC tickets. Students who were on the bus list last year are automatically enrolled. New students need to apply. The form is linked below.
In closing, I encourage every student to be the best they can be, to set high and achievable goals and to be actively involved in student life “at the Hill”. I also invite parents and guardians to be actively involved in their children's education and welcome their support at our school council meetings. I also want to welcome our new vice principal Anjali Bajaj to West Hill. Anjali was a former teacher at the school and has a deep connection to our community.
We are all partners in education and together will accomplish more! Should you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or Vice-Principals Anjali Bajaj,Tsahai Daley or Deb Ferrari at 416-396-6864.
We wish you all a successful and memorable year!
Trevor Bullen P, Ajali Bajaj VP, Tahai Daley VP, Deb Ferrari VP