Dear Students, Parents and/or Guardians:
I would like to take this opportunity to provide our West Hill Collegiate Institute welcome back information. We are looking forward to another exciting and successful year “at the Hill” and encourage every student to take advantage of the wide range of curricular and co-curricular opportunities throughout the 2023-2024 school year.
WHCI continues the tradition of A to academic excellence with a strong focus on co-curricular involvement. Our drama, arts, music and sports programs continue to thrive and we encourage all students to be involved and create lifelong memories. Our teaching staff is exceptional and believes that all students can be successful. West Hill C.I. is a great place to be and a great place to learn.
All students will be officially welcomed back on Wednesday, September 5th. Students should be in their period 1 (Home Form) class at 9:00 a.m. A timetable will be sent to both students and parent/guardian on September 1st. Students can also view their timetable on the TDSB Connects App. The TDSB has created a common schedule for all secondary schools. School will start at 9:00 a.m. and finish at 3:15 p.m., with one hour for lunch. Next year our cafeteria will be open for a paid lunch option starting in late September. Twice a month we will have 10:00 a.m. late starts for professional development. Grade 9 Head Start day will be Tuesday, August 29th from 9:00-12:30.
As the TDSB and West Hill C.I. move towards a cashless school, all students are asked to sign up for School Cash Online (instructions attached) to make your School Activity Fee payments. Please sign up prior to August 31st. Your activity fee payment of $60.00 covers the cost of the school activity fee ($30) and a yearbook ($30). School Cash Online will be used throughout the year to make payments for field trips, athletic fees and any other events where a student will incur a cost.
Your support of the $30 School Activity Fee is needed in order for us to continue to be able to provide a vast array of opportunities that respond to the diverse interests of our school community. Students must pay the fee to participate in school activities.